Source code for torchgpe.bec2D.potentials

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Callable

import scipy.constants as spconsts
import numpy as np
import torch

from ..utils.potentials import LinearPotential, NonLinearPotential, any_time_dependent_variable, time_dependent_variable

# --- Linear potentials ---
[docs] class Zero(LinearPotential): """Zero potential. It is equivalent to not applying any potential at all. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def get_potential(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, time: float = None): return torch.zeros_like(X)
[docs] class Trap(LinearPotential): """Harmonic trapping potential Args: omegax (Union[float, Callable]): The frequency along the x axis of the harmonic oscillator. It can be set to be either a constant or a function of time. omegay (Union[float, Callable]): The frequency along the y axis of the harmonic oscillator. It can be set to be either a constant or a function of time. """ def __init__(self, omegax: Union[float, Callable], omegay: Union[float, Callable]): super().__init__() self.omegax = omegax self.omegay = omegay def on_propagation_begin(self): self.is_time_dependent = any_time_dependent_variable( self.omegax, self.omegay) self._omegax = time_dependent_variable(self.omegax) self._omegay = time_dependent_variable(self.omegay) def get_potential(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, time: float = None): return 2*(np.pi/self.gas.adim_pulse)**2*((self._omegax(time)*X)**2+(self._omegay(time)*Y)**2)
[docs] class Lattice(LinearPotential): """Lattice potential Args: V0 (Union[float, Callable]): The lattice depth in units of the recoil energy. It can be set to be either a constant or a function of time. lam (float): The wave length of the lattice. theta (float): The angle of the lattice in the 2D plane. phi (Union[float, Callable]): The phase of the lattice. """ def __init__(self, V0: Union[float, Callable] = 0, lam: float = 1e-6, theta: float = 0, phi: Union[float, Callable] = 0, w0: float = np.inf): super().__init__() self.V0 = V0 self.lam = lam self.theta = theta self.phi = phi self.w0 = w0 def on_propagation_begin(self): self._lam = self.lam/self.gas.adim_length self._k = 2*np.pi/self._lam self._w0 = self.w0/self.gas.adim_length self._rayleigh = np.pi*self._w0**2/self._lam self.Er = 0.5 * (spconsts.hbar*self._k / self.gas.adim_length)**2 / self.gas.mass self.is_time_dependent = any_time_dependent_variable( self.V0, self.phi) self._V0 = time_dependent_variable(self.V0) self._phi = time_dependent_variable(self.phi) self._w = self._w0 * \ torch.sqrt(1+(self.gas.X*np.cos(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.sin(self.theta))**2/self._rayleigh**2) self._R = self.gas.X*np.cos(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.sin(self.theta) + self._rayleigh**2/(self.gas.X*np.cos(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.sin(self.theta)) self._gouy = torch.atan( (self.gas.X*np.cos(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.sin(self.theta))/self._rayleigh) self._Epos = lambda time: (1/torch.sqrt(1+(self.gas.X*np.cos(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.sin(self.theta))**2/self._rayleigh**2) * torch.exp(-(-self.gas.X*np.sin(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.cos(self.theta))**2/self._w**2) * ( torch.exp(1j * (self._k*((self.gas.X*np.cos(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.sin(self.theta)) + (-self.gas.X*np.sin(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.cos(self.theta))**2/(2*self._R)) - self._gouy )) + torch.exp(-1j * (self._k*((self.gas.X*np.cos(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.sin(self.theta)) + (-self.gas.X*np.sin(self.theta) + self.gas.Y*np.cos(self.theta))**2/(2*self._R)) - self._gouy + self._phi(time) )) ) ) def get_potential(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, time: float = None): return self._V0(time) * self.Er/(spconsts.hbar*self.gas.adim_pulse) * torch.abs(self._Epos(time))**2/4
[docs] class SquareBox(LinearPotential): """Square box potential Args: V (float): The depth of the box. D (float): The size of the box. """ def __init__(self, V: float, D: float): super().__init__() self.V = V self.D = D def on_propagation_begin(self): self._V = self.V/(spconsts.hbar*self.gas.adim_pulse) self._D = self.D/self.gas.adim_length self._box = self._V * (1-torch.heaviside(-torch.abs(self.gas.X)+self._D/2, torch.ones_like(self.gas.X)) * torch.heaviside(-torch.abs(self.gas.Y)+self._D/2, torch.ones_like(self.gas.Y))) def get_potential(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, time: float = None): return self._box
[docs] class RoundBox(LinearPotential): """Round box potential Args: V (float): The depth of the box. D (float): The diameter of the box. """ def __init__(self, V: float, D: float): super().__init__() self.V = V self.D = D def on_propagation_begin(self): self._V = self.V/(spconsts.hbar*self.gas.adim_pulse) self._D = self.D/self.gas.adim_length self._box = self._V*(1-torch.heaviside((self._D/2)**2 - self.gas.X**2-self.gas.Y**2, torch.ones_like(self.gas.X))) def get_potential(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, time: float = None): return self._box
# --- Non linear potentials ---
[docs] class Contact(NonLinearPotential): """Contact interactions potential Args: a_s (float): The scattering length in units of the Bohr radius. a_orth (float): The renormalization parameter for the scattering length to account for the missing third dimension. """ def __init__(self, a_s: float = 100, a_orth: float = 1e-6): super().__init__() self.a_s = a_s self.a_orth = a_orth def on_propagation_begin(self): self._a_s = self.a_s*spconsts.codata.value("Bohr radius") self._g = np.sqrt(8*np.pi)*self.gas.N_particles*self._a_s/self.a_orth def potential_function(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, psi: torch.tensor, time: float = None): return self._g*torch.abs(psi)**2
[docs] class DispersiveCavity(NonLinearPotential): """Transversally pumped dispersive cavity potential Args: lattice_depth (Union[float, Callable]): The lattice depth in units of the recoil energy. It can be set to be either a constant or a function of time. atomic_detuning (float): The atomic frequency detuning with respect to the pump. cavity_detuning (Union[float, Callable]): The cavity's frequency detuning with respect to the pump. It can be set to be either a constant or a function of time. cavity_decay (float): The cavity's decay rate. cavity_coupling (float): The coupling constant between the gas and the cavity. cavity_angle (float, optional): The angle in the 2D plane of the cavity. Defaults to :math:`0` pump_angle (float, optional): The angle in the 2D plane of the transversal pump. Defaults to :math:`\\pi/3` waist (float, optional): the waist of the gaussian beam. Defaults to infinity cavity_probe (Union[float, Callable], optional): The on-axis cavity probe. It can be set to be either a constant or a function of time. Defaults to :math:`0` """ def __init__(self, lattice_depth: Union[float, Callable], atomic_detuning: float, cavity_detuning: Union[float, Callable], cavity_decay: float, cavity_coupling: float, cavity_angle: float = 0, pump_angle: float = np.pi/3, waist: float = np.inf, cavity_probe: Union[float, Callable] = 0): super().__init__() self.lattice_depth = lattice_depth self.atomic_detuning = atomic_detuning self.cavity_detuning = cavity_detuning self.cavity_decay = cavity_decay self.cavity_coupling = cavity_coupling self.cavity_angle = cavity_angle self.pump_angle = pump_angle self.waist = waist self.cavity_probe = cavity_probe def on_propagation_begin(self): self.is_time_dependent = any_time_dependent_variable( self.cavity_detuning, self.lattice_depth, self.cavity_probe) self._cavity_detuning = time_dependent_variable(self.cavity_detuning) self._lattice_depth = time_dependent_variable(self.lattice_depth) self._cavity_probe = time_dependent_variable(self.cavity_probe) self.g0 = 2*np.pi*self.cavity_coupling self._atomic_detuning = 2*np.pi*self.atomic_detuning self.kappa = 2*np.pi*self.cavity_decay self.freq_d2 = self.gas.d2_pulse self.lambda_pump = 2*np.pi*spconsts.c / \ (self.freq_d2+self._atomic_detuning) self.adim_lambda_pump = self.lambda_pump/self.gas.adim_length self.k_pump = 2*np.pi/self.lambda_pump self.adim_k_pump = 2*np.pi/self.adim_lambda_pump self.Er = 0.5 * (spconsts.hbar*self.k_pump)**2 / self.gas.mass self.U0 = self.g0**2 / self._atomic_detuning self._adim_waist = self.waist / self.gas.adim_length R_pump = self.gas.X * \ np.cos(self.pump_angle) + self.gas.Y * np.sin(self.pump_angle) R_pump_orth = - self.gas.X * \ np.sin(self.pump_angle) + self.gas.Y * np.cos(self.pump_angle) R_cavity = self.gas.X * \ np.cos(self.cavity_angle) + self.gas.Y * np.sin(self.cavity_angle) self.COS2 = torch.cos(self.adim_k_pump*R_cavity)**2 self.COS = torch.cos(self.adim_k_pump*R_pump) * \ torch.cos(self.adim_k_pump*R_cavity) self.c1 = self.gas.N_particles*self.gas.dx*self.gas.dy self.c3 = self.c1*self.U0 self.eta_prefactor = np.sqrt(self.Er*np.abs(self._atomic_detuning)/spconsts.hbar) * \ self.g0/self._atomic_detuning self._gaussian_profile = 1/(1+(self.adim_lambda_pump*R_pump/(np.pi*self._adim_waist**2))**2)*torch.exp( -2 * R_pump_orth**2/(self._adim_waist**2 + (self.adim_lambda_pump*R_pump/(np.pi*self._adim_waist))**2)) self._pump_lattice = np.sign(self._atomic_detuning) * self.Er * torch.cos( self.adim_k_pump*R_pump)**2 / (spconsts.hbar * self.gas.adim_pulse) * self._gaussian_profile self._cavity_lattice = self.COS2 * self.U0 / self.gas.adim_pulse
[docs] def get_alpha(self, psi: torch.tensor, time: float = None): """Return the intracavity field Args: psi (torch.tensor): The wave function of the gas time (float, optional): The time at which to compute the intracavity field. Defaults to None. Returns: float: The intracavity field :math:`\\alpha` """ order = self. get_order(psi) bunching = (torch.abs(psi)**2*self.COS2).sum() self._cavity_detuning_tilde = 2*np.pi * \ self._cavity_detuning(time)-self.c3*bunching self.c6 = self.c2-self.c3*bunching self.eta = np.sqrt(self._lattice_depth(time))*self.eta_prefactor alpha = (self.c1*self.eta*order + self._cavity_probe(time)*(self.Er/spconsts.hbar))/self.c6 return alpha
[docs] def get_order(self, psi: torch.tensor): """Return the order parameter for self-organization Args: psi (torch.tensor): The wave function of the gas Returns: float: The order parameter """ return (torch.abs(psi)**2*self.COS).sum()
def potential_function(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, psi: torch.tensor, time: float = None): self.c2 = 2*np.pi*self._cavity_detuning(time)+1j*self.kappa alpha = self.get_alpha(psi, time) self.pump_lattice = self._lattice_depth(time) * self._pump_lattice cavity_lattice = torch.abs(alpha)**2 * self._cavity_lattice interaction = 2 * torch.sqrt(self._gaussian_profile) / self.gas.adim_pulse * self.eta*self.COS*torch.real(alpha) return self.pump_lattice + cavity_lattice + interaction