Source code for torchgpe.utils.configuration
import warnings
import yaml
from math import sqrt
import re
from scipy. constants import pi, hbar, c
from .potentials import linear_ramp, quench, s_ramp
# The global variables that are available to the !eval tag
__globals = {
# Prevents the user from accessing builtins
'__builtins__': None,
# Allows the user to access the sqrt method from the math module
"sqrt": sqrt,
# Allows the user to access the linear_ramp, quench, and s_ramp methods from the potentials2D module
"linear_ramp": linear_ramp,
"s_ramp": s_ramp,
"quench": quench,
# Allows the user to access the pi, hbar, and c constants from the scipy.constants module
"pi": pi,
"hbar": hbar,
"c": c,
def __config_tag_evaluate(loader, node):
"""Evaluates a YAML tag of the form !eval <expression> [locals]
loader (yaml.Loader): The YAML loader.
node (yaml.Node): The YAML node.
expression = loader.construct_scalar(node.value[0])
locals = {} if len(
node.value) == 1 else loader.construct_mapping(node.value[1])
if any(key in locals for key in __globals.keys()):
f"{', '.join(__globals.keys())} are reserved keywords and are set to the respective constants. By specifying them, their value is overwritten")
return eval(expression, __globals, locals)
# Regex for parsing exponential numbers
# Taken from
__config_exponential_resolver =\
|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$''', re.X)
def parse_config(path):
"""Parses a YAML configuration file.
path (str): The path to the configuration file.
dict: The parsed configuration.
yaml.YAMLError: If the configuration file is not valid YAML.
loader = yaml.SafeLoader
u',2002:float', __config_exponential_resolver, list(u'-+0123456789.'))
loader.add_constructor('!eval', __config_tag_evaluate)
with open(path, "r") as file:
return yaml.load(file, Loader=loader)