Source code for torchgpe.utils.potentials

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import torch

# --- Time dependent parameters ---

[docs] def time_dependent_variable(var): """Transform a variable into a function of time Args: var (Union[float, Callable]): The variable to transform. If it is a function, it is returned as is. If it is a constant, it is transformed into a function that returns the constant. Examples: >>> time_dependent_variable(1) lambda _: 1 >>> time_dependent_variable(lambda t: t) lambda t: t """ return var if callable(var) else (lambda _: var)
[docs] def any_time_dependent_variable(*vars): """Check if any of the variables is time dependent Args: *vars (Union[float, Callable]): The variables to check. If any of them is a function, the function returns True. If all of them are constants, the function returns False. Examples: >>> any_time_dependent_variable(1, 2, 3) False >>> any_time_dependent_variable(1, lambda t: t, 3) True """ return any(map(callable, vars))
# --- Common behaviours in time ---
[docs] def linear_ramp(v0=0, t0=0, v1=1, t1=1): """Implements a linear ramp from :math:`v_0` to :math:`v_1` between :math:`t_0` and :math:`t_1`. The ramp is constant outside of the interval. Args: v0 (float, optional): The initial value of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`0`. t0 (float, optional): The initial time of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`0`. v1 (float, optional): The final value of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`1`. t1 (float, optional): The final time of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`1`. Returns: callable: A function that returns the value of the ramp at time :math:`t` """ return lambda t: v0 if t < t0 else v0 + (v1-v0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) if t < t1 else v1
[docs] def s_ramp(v0=0, t0=0, v1=1, t1=1): """Implements a smooth ramp from :math:`v_0` to :math:`v_1` between :math:`t_0` and :math:`t_1`. The ramp is constant outside of the interval. Args: v0 (float, optional): The initial value of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`0`. t0 (float, optional): The initial time of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`0`. v1 (float, optional): The final value of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`1`. t1 (float, optional): The final time of the ramp. Defaults to :math:`1`. Returns: callable: A function that returns the value of the ramp at time :math:`t` """ return lambda t: v0 if t < t0 else v0 - 2*(v1-v0)*((t-t0)/(t1-t0))**3 + 3*(v1-v0)*((t-t0)/(t1-t0))**2 if t < t1 else v1
[docs] def quench(v0=1, v1=0, quench_time=1): """Implements a quench from :math:`v_0` to :math:`v_1` at :math:`t=quench_time`. The value is constant outside of the interval. Args: v0 (float, optional): The initial value. Defaults to :math:`1`. v1 (float, optional): The final value. Defaults to :math:`0`. quench_time (float, optional): The time at which the quench occurs. Defaults to :math:`1`. Returns: float: The value of the quench at time :math:`t` """ return lambda t: v0 if t < quench_time else v1
[docs] def probe_pulse(amplitude, detuning, t0 = 0, phase = 0): """Implements a probe pulse with a givem amplitude, detuning, and phase. Args: amplitude (float): The amplitude of the pulse. detuning (float): The detuning between the cavity's transverse pump frequency and the probe frequency. t0 (float, optional): The time at which the pulse starts. Defaults to :math:`0`. phase (float, optional): The phase of the pulse. Defaults to :math:`0`. Returns: float: The value of the pulse at time :math:`t` """ omega = 2*torch.pi*detuning return lambda t: 0 if t<t0 else amplitude * torch.exp(1j*(omega*t + phase))
# --- Potential base classes ---
[docs] class Potential(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for potentials. It is not meant to be used directly, but to be inherited by other classes. """ def __init__(self): #: bool: Whether the potential is time dependent or not self.is_time_dependent = False #: gpe.bec2D.gas.Gas: The :class:`~gpe.bec2D.gas.Gas` object to which the potential is applied self.gas = None
[docs] def set_gas(self, gas): """Set the :class:`~gpe.bec2D.gas.Gas` object to which the potential is applied Args: gas (Gas): The :class:`~gpe.bec2D.gas.Gas` object to which the potential is applied """ self.gas = gas
[docs] def on_propagation_begin(self): """Called at the beginning of the propagation. It is used to post-process the parameters of the potential, once the :class:`~gpe.bec2D.gas.Gas` object has been set.""" pass
[docs] class LinearPotential(Potential, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for linear 2D potentials. It is not meant to be used directly, but to be inherited by other classes. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_potential(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, time: float = None): """Return the linear potential evaluated on the grid. If time dependent parameters are present, the parameter ``time`` is also specified, otherwise it is set to ``None``. Args: X (torch.tensor): The X coordinates on the adimentionalized grid where to compute the potential. Y (torch.tensor): The Y coordinates on the adimentionalized grid where to compute the potential. time (float, optional): If time dependent parameters are specified, the time at which to evaluate the potential. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.tensor: The potential evaluated on the grid. """ pass
[docs] class NonLinearPotential(Potential, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for non-linear 2D potentials. It is not meant to be used directly, but to be inherited by other classes. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] @abstractmethod def potential_function(self, X: torch.tensor, Y: torch.tensor, psi: torch.tensor, time: float = None): """Return the non-linear potential evaluated on the grid. If time dependent parameters are present, the parameter ``time`` is also specified, otherwise it is set to ``None``. Args: X (torch.tensor): The X coordinates on the adimentionalized grid where to compute the potential. Y (torch.tensor): The Y coordinates on the adimentionalized grid where to compute the potential. psi (torch.tensor): The wave function of the gas. time (float, optional): If time dependent parameters are specified, the time at which to evaluate the potential. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.tensor: The potential evaluated on the grid. """ pass